' This file is a part of the complete HOST.QSC and will not compile
' alone. To recompile the host scripts, select Scripts/Compile from
' the QmodemPro for Windows menu and select HOST.QSC in the "Compile
' script" dialog box. This file will automatically be compiled as
' part of the full script.
declare sub GetPrivateProfileString lib "kernel32" alias "GetPrivateProfileStringA" (section as string, entry as string, default as string, buffer as string, bufsize as integer, filename as string)
declare function GetPrivateProfileInt lib "kernel32" alias "GetPrivateProfileIntA" (section as string, entry as string, default as integer, filename as string) as integer
declare sub WritePrivateProfileString lib "kernel32" alias "WritePrivateProfileStringA" (section as string, entry as string, data as string, filename as string)
declare function GetDlgItem lib "user32" (hwindow as integer, id as integer) as integer
declare function EnableWindow lib "user32" (hwindow as integer, on as integer) as integer
function GetHostProfileString(entry as string, default as string) as string